blog and portfolio showroom of my business and passion: web & app programming, agile media, digital life and more.
enHere you'll find information about me and my activities as a web developer. I'm blogging mostly about web technologies (JavaScript, node, PHP, HTML5...) and related stuff of my daily business. You'll find a mix of english and german posts here.
deHier findet Ihr Informationen über mich und meine Aktivitäten als Web-Entwickler. Ich blogge über Web-Technologien (JavaScript, node, PHP, HTML5...) und andere Dinge, die mit meiner Arbeit zu tun haben - mal auf Deutsch, mal auf Englisch.
Author: matthias en changelog commits development php open source
Keeping a changelog for your software project can be time consuming. I started a little PHP project to help out!
Author: matthias de dsgvo bsdg bsdg-neu datenschutz-grundverordnung bundesdatenschutzgesetz definition
Die EU-weite Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (neu) treten am 25. Mai 2018 in Kraft. Ich habe für mich und meine Kunden eine Kurzbeschreibung und eine knappe Quellen-Liste bereitgestellt.
Author: matthias en cordova ios angular ionic javascript bug gap csp
This is just a short note about how I solved a weird problem I recently experienced when
wouldn't work using Ionic/Angular with Cordova under iOS.
Author: matthias en jquery javascript react comment opinion
Discussions about the role of jQuery bubble up these days. Paradigms change, not at least triggered by concepts (re-)introduced with React, Flux and redux. Should we try to avoid jQuery and direct DOM manipulation if possible? I'm not sure, but I want to share some thoughts I had reading a thread titled "Stop say You Don't Need jQuery" in the JS group of
Author: matthias en jwt jws json token based authentication javascript hhjs talk
I just want to share some slides I created for my talk "Token based authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)" I gave yesterday, on June 15th, at Hamburgs JavaScript HH.JS meetup.